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To automate LinuxGSM you can set scheduled tasks using cronjobs, to run any command at any given time.
Commonly used scheduled tasks are:
Automatically check for updates
Automatically check for server crash and restart if needed
Automatically keep LinuxGSM up to date
Automatically restart the server at a given time
Automatically update and restart the server
To access and edit your cronjobs use crontab.
It is possible to set up cronjobs as any user including root. The recommended way is to set up cronjobs using the game servers user account. However, If you run several game server installations on your server you may want to centrally manage cronjobs then using root.
Replace username and gameserver with your own details.
Here is an example of a user based cronjob for a daily restart at 5 am.
Here is an example of a root based cronjob for a daily restart at 5 am.
Here is an example of a user based cronjob to monitor your server every 5 minutes.
Here is an example of a root based cronjob to monitor your server every 5 minutes.
Below is a recommended basic example and will do the following:
Monitor your server every 5 minutes.
Check for an update every 30 minutes, update and restart only if an update is detected.
Restart and check for an update every day at 4:30 AM
Update check and update LinuxGSM every Sunday at midnight.
If you are not used to setting up cronjobs you can use as a great reference to get started.